Fougera Review

2:32 PM

Hello everyone! Here's a brief review of the following product:

Fougera, Clindamycin Phosphate Gel USP 1%

It works amazingly! This is a topical gel that is intended for the use of acne/pimples. I have been using this topical gel for over approximately a year now, and it's great so far. I used to have bad back acne and whether I picked on them or not, it would always left dark scars behind. Even with proper hygiene care and the usage of a variety of skincare products, the acne would always return and leave more scars. After 2 weeks of using fougera, my back was literally clear. My acne was completely going away. I would say about 8/10 of my acne disappeared. Initially, I thought the topical gel only worked to clear acne but I also noticed that it had faded my scars.

I would apply the gel twice a day for two weeks. It has this gushy and cold feeling when you put it on, but dries up quickly so you wont have to worry about laying on your back after putting it in. Unlike the past acne medication I've used that would dry my skin up, Fougera does not. The cooling sensation it leaves dries instantly so my skin doesn't dry. 

I am only reviewing this product because I am truly amazed by it.

Thanks all! Take a look at my other posts too and comment below! :)

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  1. Hi, I was wondering if you broke out worse the first weeks you began using this product.

    1. Hi Violet! I did not break out at all. It did not aggravate or made the problem worse. The gel was really light so it dried up quickly. I had really bad back acne for the longest time. I think this gel actually cleared my back 90% within the first 1-2 weeks.

  2. I have a quick question - how long should you keep the gel on your face? Overnight? A few hours?

  3. Leaving it on overnight is the best way. I also put some in the morning and then moisturize!


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